Resigned or Escorted Out?

Tolu Martins
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“You can’t role hard with President Trump for a year and then come back to the neighborhood like ‘Hey, that was really weird right?” – Trevor Noah

Omarosa Manigault Newman was the only African-American female working in the White House, and there has been some controversy about her departure. According to April Ryan – a journalist – Omarosa did not have a pleasant departure. A tweet made by the CNN Political Analyst April Ryan states, “According to multiple sources Omarosa did not resign. She was even escorted out of the building and off campus.” However in a recent interview, the previous White House Senior Staff said she resigned.

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Omarosa is a reality TV-star who met President Trump on the Apprentice and was later given the role of a Senior staff in the White House. Was she qualified for this position? Like many others, she probably wasn’t.

She was responsible for keeping a strong relationship with the President and the black community, but arguably, lil mama wasn’t good at her job. She was also responsible for misinforming Trump that Fredrick Douglass was still alive, but he should have known better. Ms. Thang had her fun in the White House but not everyone liked her, especially General Kelly (whom authorized her resignation) and the Chief of Staff. She was also unliked by majority of the black community, especially black women.

As soon as the news had surfaced, Angelia Rye had a very animated response. There was an interview on CNN with Brooke Baldwin, Angela Rye, Symone Sanders and April Ryan and Angelia burst out into laughter saying, “Bye hunny! You have never represented the community, you are skin folk. we don’t own you like Zora. Goodbye, good riddance, goodbye! Deuces! Out!” The only reason Omarosa was dragged was because she hasn’t really been a advocate for the black community. She once said “I’m not black, i’m Omarosa.” Like girl, stop. LAPPTheBrand, LAPP, Leomie Anderson, Angela Rye

She also said in an interview with the Good Morning America, that she had seen things in the White House that has affected her and her “community” and her “people”. This same woman tried to tell black people that these white supremacists in the White House have their best interest at heart and it doesn’t take a genius to know that is a lie. I believe she was trying to convince people that her position in Trump’s administration can be justified. She was only fooling herself. That’s why many people did not care that she lost her job. In response to the GMA interview, actress and talk show host Whoopi Goldberg responded saying, “I HOPE you find your PEOPLE…she has been so nasty to women of color.” Whoopi was not here for the allegedly portrayed villain Omarosa.

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Many other black women have stated their opinions on the situation. Good Morning America’s Robin Roberts had very short words for the previous White House Administrator. responding to the alleged book that Omarosa plans to release, Roberts said “Bye Felicia” ever so elegantly. No one is here for Omarosa, but what did she expect. Her black card has been revoked and she will not be invited to the cookout. Okay!


Written by, Tolu Sarah Martins

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