Me Myself and I: The Value of Your Own Company

Ellen Pickett
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Socialising is great, viagra as are friends and family; it’s frequent, view fun, and fulfilling. However, others’ company can ultimately be draining – being constantly on your toes, upbeat, good company. Put simply, other people are tiring. You’re perfectly entitled to love someone and their company, but not to be in constant need of it. In fact, it’s healthy and vastly beneficial to have time to yourself and to be content in doing so.

From a self-care point of view, taking time for yourself is vital. We all love our friends, and try to look after them as far as possible – so why not use the same ideas in relation to ourselves? Self-love is just as necessary. Occasionally, the enjoyment of socialising wanes: taking some time off, and then returning to it all refreshed can suddenly transform your outlook. Your friends and the parties aren’t going anywhere, so give yourself the time and breathing room.

Going to a café to read, taking a stroll, a luxurious bubble bath – anything you need, just to give you that headspace. Sometimes you simply need to detach and withdraw: this is nothing against your loved ones, nor implicit of any anti-social nature of yours. It can be a want or a need, but it’s equally justified and healthy.

Doing things on your own allows you to be more aware of yourself and your surroundings, and to take more in. Heading down to the cinema on your own means you can just enjoy the film; setting yourself up in a coffee shop allows you to just take it all in; a walk round the block gives you some thinking space. A healthy bit of people-watching as you sit outside a café is an entirely legitimate way to pass the time.

A Rupi Kaur poem reads: ‘if you are not enough for yourself/you will never be enough/for someone else’. Fundamentally, being comfortable in your own company is one of the best things you can do for yourself, and for those you love. By being content in yourself and your own company, you’ll have even more to give to those you care about: you gain self-assurance and growth for yourself, and you become a companion to them who is more profoundly content. Once your happiness and enjoyment ceases to be dependent on others, you will flourish and grow.

Taking this time to fly solo also means that when you do spend time with your loved ones, you’ll appreciate the socialising more: partly because you’ve had the space to reflect on things and recall why you love their company so much, but also out of the simple contrast between being on your own and being with others. It’s a question of balance, and sometimes renewing a sense of novelty and variation with how you experience things – occasionally on your own, occasionally with others.

Feeling comfortable and confident in your own company is one of the best things you can do for your fulfilment, growth and well-being. It’s simply a question of moderation and balance. Being on your own doesn’t mean you’re alone: it merely means that you’re independent and engaging in personal growth and the crucial self-care that we all need.


Written by Ellen Pickett

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